fluxgate gradiometer magnetometers and most metal detectors are continuously-sensing
instruments, they are good for "sweeping"
the area of concern. For large sites, they may also be connected to analog or
digital recorders to produce continuous profiles along multiple parallel lines
across the site. In this form, the data may be computer-processed to generate
anomaly contour maps of the site, providing a documented record of the survey
as well as allowing an overall appraisal of the distribution of buried metal.
Such maps clearly reveal patterns of trench orientations, landfill boundaries,
and utility routes. Geosphere's
personnel have had extensive experience with many of these various instruments
in many different situations from military applications (clearing unexploded
ordnance - UXO's) to landfill delineation, and locating lost equipment in rivers
and marine waters.

124 north auburn road auburn, mi 48611 tel: (989) 662-6149
fax: (989) 662-7701
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