public awareness of pollution in the environment in both the industrial and
military sectors has spawned a continuing search for innovative and cost-effective
means to understanding near-surface geology. A carefully planned geophysical
program can often clarify the geologic picture in ways that wells and borings
cannot. Seismic methods, electromagnetics (EM), ground
penetrating radar (GPR), magnetometry (MAG), metal detection,
and borehole logging techniques are all highly effective ways
of improving the understanding of many environmental sites. Typical environmental
applications include:
- Contaminant plume location
and migration mapping
- Bedrock and clay surface
- Location of buried tanks,
drums and materials
- Confirmation of confining
layer continuity
- Buried channel/trench location
and delineation
- Location of karst features,
faults and fractures
- Well logging for lithology
and contamination
- Verification of monitoring
well construction
personnel are highly-trained and experienced in environmental applications
of geophysical methods.

124 north auburn road auburn, mi 48611 tel: (989) 662-6149
fax: (989) 662-7701
copyright ©1990-2007 geosphere inc